Our Story

We knew what needed to be done, and got to work.


Numbers and statistics can feel so impersonal, but genuine connection with other people going through the same struggles can drastically change our lives for the better. Mandy and Ryan believe that a truly priceless form of assistance for people who live with mental health diagnoses is a safe space to share our stories and have a sense of community.

A place where anyone and everyone is welcomed with encouraging words, the opportunity to share their experiences, ask the questions they were too afraid to ask before, and maybe even laugh a little along the way. A place where you can discover that others are walking the same path as you, a place where you know you’re not alone. But to really make a difference, we knew a platform needed to be created that would bridge the gap between us all and harness the community’s power through the most trafficked medium — social media.

That’s when The Greenest Side was born.

We all know the adage of “the grass is always greener on the other side,” but Mandy and Ryan know that the grass is greenest where you water it and that more hands helping means less strenuous work for each of us. When it comes to our mental health, doing the necessary work and working with each other can lead to us all living on The Greenest Side.

Because, even though you start the internal work of self-discovery, healing traumas, and fighting the feeling of being alone — there are always going to be external factors that get thrown your way and become out of your control, but there’s nothing that we cannot handle together.